October 26, 2010

Old-Fashioned Soda Fountains

1930's Soda Jerk  (via Wikimedia Commons)
The history of the soda fountain can be traced back to the drug revolution of the 1850’s, when people would visit the local drugstore for a drink to cure whatever was ailing them. At that time, there were no strict laws governing the use of drugs and medication, so ingredients such as caffeine and cocaine were regularly included in these drinks, along with various herbs and flavorings to make the drinks more palatable. 

In the late 1800’s, Jacob Baur began to manufacture carbon dioxide in tanks, and by the early 1900’s he was selling Liquid Carbonic soda fountains. With the passing of the Harrison Act in 1914, cocaine and opiates were banned in over-the-counter products, and people became more concerned about what they considered to be the addictive and intoxicating nature of soda fountain drinks. Baur and others worked to reinvent the image of soda fountain drinks, advertising them as non-intoxicating, delicious treats.

By the 1920’s, soda fountains were present in most drugstores, perhaps as a way to fill the void left by Prohibition’s closing of bars. Soda fountain drinks eventually lost their stigma and became known as “soft drinks”, and soda fountains remained popular through the 1950’s. The 1970’s saw the rapid decline of the soda fountain. Today, old-fashioned soda fountains are often hard-to-find and exist for many only in the nostalgic memories they have of decades past.
Old 52's old-fashioned soda fountain
 The Old 52 General Store is proud to have an authentic, old-fashioned soda fountain where you can order a phosphate, ice cream soda, or malt. Check out our menu for a full list of the available treats and flavors, then swing by 23 Main Street in Sabin, Minnesota for a delicious trip down memory lane!

(source for history stats: Drug Store Museum's "History of the Soda Fountain")

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