December 8, 2010

10 Days of Soda Giveaway

10,000 people who like Old 52 on Facebook is just around the corner, and in the spirit of the holiday season, we have decided to go ahead and launch our 10 Days of Soda giveaway a bit early so winners can receive their 6-pack of retro soda in time to share with friends and family over the holidays!

Beginning today (12/08/10), we will post instructions on our wall each morning to detail how you can be entered to win your very own 6-pack of retro soda shipped to your door – the following day, a winner will be randomly selected from those who entered the previous day’s contest.

Spread the word about Old 52’s 10 Days of Soda giveaway, and then be sure to check our page each day for details on how to enter.

*Open to US residents only. Maximum of one prize per person.


  1. Hey Chuck,

    Glad to see someone who is keeping the good ol' stuff around for us to remember and share with new generations! Great gift spot, for any Christmas gift hunters. = ]

  2. pick me, pick me! I should win because I have not had an old fashioned grape nehi in a LONG time. :)

  3. Thank you both for commenting to participate in our 10 Days of Soda Giveaway! We had a ton of fun with this contest, and we look forward to running other promotions in the future.
